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HP Designjet 130r Large Format Color Inkjet Printer Overview

Printers for creative professionalsâ?"the affordable HP Designjet 130 multi-format printing systems create fade-resistant, photo-quality images with consistent colors for professional photos, prints and proofs.

Color images that last
  • Fade-resistant, photo-quality images. Proprietarydye-based HP Vivera inks are carefully engineeredto work flawlessly with all parts of the printingsystems so you achieve rich, vibrant color andextraordinary photo image quality with exceptionalfade-resistance.1 Graphic designers and professionalphotographers can rest assured that the images theycreate will maintain their impact.
  • Rich color depth and minimal dot visibility. Thesix-color HP writing system delivers a wide rangeof colors, deeper blacks, continuous tones andsuperior gloss uniformity. A four picoliter ink dropsize maintains fine detail reproductions, especially indark areas, and smooth tonal transitions.

    Reliable color
  • See reliable, consistent color from print to print. TheHP Designjet 130 Printer series features automaticclosed-loop color calibration to provide consistentcolor, print to print and printer to printer.
  • Full color workflow support. Optimized Macintoshand Windows® drivers provide key features forcreative professionals, including RGB ICC profilesand full Apple ColorSync support. Optional Adobe®PostScript® 3â"¢ software RIP provides robust colormanagement and proofing options for the CMYKworkflow.
  • Making professional color results simpler. HPâ?TMsfree on-line knowledge center provides illustratedstep-by-step instructions specific to your application,computer and workflow. And HPâ?TMs custom colorprofiling service provides high-quality ICC mediaprofiles for professionals whose work demandssuperior color accuracy.

    Postcards to posters
  • Ideas big and smallâ?"no more cutting and pasting.The standard tray

    HP Designjet 130r Large Format Color Inkjet Printer Specification

    • DesignJet 130r Large Format Printer C7791H

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